
  • XUHENG WANG https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0186-7445
  • CARMEN AMADO MENDES https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1376-5048




Relações sino-brasileiras, Teoria de Guanxi, Bolsonaro, Lula


Durante a pandemia de Covid-19, as relações sino-brasileiras foram afetadas pela eleição, em janeiro de 2019, de Jair Bolsonaro como Presidente do Brasil. Várias vozes se levantaram sobre o tema das relações sino-brasileiras, com algumas pessoas acreditando que a atitude de Bolsonaro em relação à China prejudicou as relações sino-brasileiras em um grau notável. No entanto, vários estudos também sugeriram que a eleição de Jair Bolsonaro não teve qualquer impacto negativo nas relações sino-brasileiras, na forma de resultados reais. Na era pós-epidemia, com a posse do novo presidente brasileiro, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, a parceria estratégica do Brasil e da China parece ter sido fortalecida. Lula não apenas expressou sua atitude amigável para com a China após assumir o cargo, mas também fez uma visita de Estado à China de 12 a 15 de abril de 2023. A China e o Brasil assinaram posteriormente a Declaração Conjunta entre a República Popular da China e a República Federativa do Brasil em Aprofundamento da Parceria Estratégica Abrangente. A China e o Brasil não só continuam a cooperar no comércio, mas também expandiram a cooperação nos setores aeroespacial, tecnologia eletrónica e outros campos. Utilizando a teoria de Guanxi como referencial teórico, este artigo estuda a atitude e as políticas da China em relação ao Brasil durante a Covid-19 e após a epidemia, a partir de uma perspectiva chinesa. Analisa também as diferentes atitudes e orientações políticas dos líderes brasileiros em relação à China, bem como as respostas da China para garantir a manutenção das relações sino-brasileiras, discutindo as diversas ações tomadas.


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Biografias Autor

XUHENG WANG, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0186-7445

Ph.D. Candidate in International Politics and Conflict Resolution in the School of Economics (FEUC) at the University of Coimbra and the Centre for Social Studies (Portugal). She holds a Master’s degree from the School of Economics (FEUC), University of Coimbra, Portugal and a Bachelor’s degree from the School of Business, Macao Polytechnic Institute, China. Currently, she is working on the research on the role of Macao in Sino-Portuguese-speaking countries relations, based on paradiplomacy in China. Since November 2023, she has also worked in the project AspirE, "Decision making of aspiring (re)migrants to/within the EU: The case of labour market leading migrations from Asia", on the scope of HORIZON-CL2-2022-TRANSFORMATIONS-01 in the local team of the University Institute of Lisbon.

CARMEN AMADO MENDES, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1376-5048

President of the Macau Scientific and Cultural Centre in Lisbon (Portugal). She is an Associate Professor with tenure in International Relations, accredited at the School of Economics of the University of Coimbra, where she established the course “China and the Portuguese-speaking Countries in World Trade.” She is the former head of the International Relations department and coordinator of the School of Economics International Office at the same university. She holds a Ph.D. degree from the School of Oriental and African Studies - University of London, a Master’s degree from the Institute of Higher European Studies - University of Strasbourg, and a Bachelor’s degree from the Institute of Social and Political Sciences - University of Lisbon. She was a Post doctorate scholar at the Institute of Political Studies of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon, and visiting professor at the University of Macau, the University of Salamanca, and the University of Lyon. She was a board member of the European Association for Chinese Studies, and the organizer of the 2014 EACS conference in Coimbra, and president of the International Relations Section and member of the board of the Portuguese Political Science Association. Principal Investigator at the University of Coimbra on a research project on the role of Macau in China ́s relations with the Portuguese-speaking countries, funded by the Portuguese national funding agency for Science, Research and Technology; and on the project on South– South Cooperation for the Europe China Research and Advice Network, supported by the European External Action Service. Auditor of the Portuguese National Defense Institute. Co-founder of the consulting company ChinaLink, and of the Observatory for China in Portugal. Author of China and the Macau Negotiations, 1986–1999 (HKUP) and China’s New Silk Road: An Emerging World Order (Routledge), as well as other publications available for consultation at: www.uc.pt/feuc/carmen.

