
  • Dossiê temático - Portugal e Brasil: história, presente e futuro
    Vol. 14 No. 2, TD2 (2024)

    This thematic dossier entitled "Portugal and Brazil: history, present and future" is made up of five articles (evaluated in double blind referee) resulting from papers presented at the International Colloquium of the same name, which took place at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa on 3 November 2022. As part of the celebrations for the bicentenary of Brazil's independence, the central proposal of this dossier remained the same as that of the Colloquium, i.e. to bring together specialists from two scientific areas, International Relations and History, to reflect on the relations maintained between the different Ibero-American territories and colonies, within the framework of independence up to the present day.

  • Thematic dossier - Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on East
    Vol. 14 No. 2, TD1 (2024)

    This JANUS special issue, made up of seven articles, is entitled “Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on East Asia”. All the authors were participants in the Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau (CCCM) Annual Conferences, which are held in Lisbon in the spring every year. The first two articles provide new and important insights on the pre-modern development of the Melaka-Singapore region, and on the history of Christianity in Korea. The third article specifically examines developments in contemporary Chinese political governance, and is followed by two articles that focus on different aspects of Chinese international diplomacy. One article examines China’s strategic utilization of its burgeoning sports industry, while the other deals with the role of Chinese gastronomy as an effective means to promote China on the international stage. The concluding two articles focus, respectively, on the contemporary education system in China, viewed from the perspective of sociology of education, and the development of two major banks, namely the Asian Development Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, that are playing increasingly important roles in investment in Asia.

  • November 2023-April 2024
    Vol. 14 No. 2

    The VOL14 N2 of JANUS.NET presents a wide range of topics and case studies. This issue brings together 18 articles, 3 notes and 1 critical review, written by 39 authors from 10 countries in China (Colombia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Nigeria, Portugal, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine), highlighting the international dimension of the texts. The topics covered in the Articles section highlight relevant contemporary international issues, such as the New World Order, the different perspectives on war and, consequently, security, the growing interest in the Arctic routes, cooperation and diplomacy, the mobility of people and international protection, entrepreneurship and the climate crisis. The Notes section presents three reflections on cryptocurrencies, including the legal dimension, and the issue of security associated with climate change. The issue ends with a review of the book "Cold War 2.0" by Mariano Aguirre.

  • Thematic dossier - European Union-China relations
    Vol. 14 No. 1, TD1 (2023)

    This special issue offers a comprehensive analysis of the current state of European Union-China relations, bringing innovative perspectives and questions about how fast and deep the bilateral relationship is changing. The five articles featured in the volume address the topic from multiple perspectives, namely the Chinese partnerships between China and EU member states, possible attributes of China-EU relations’ current state of affairs, the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment, the role of the EU amidst U.S.-China competition, the EU’s security in the context of the Ukraine war. The inception of the special issue was the 6th edition of the International Conference “Europe as a Global Actor”, hosted by ISCTE-IUL and OBSERVARE-UAL in May 2022.

  • Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023)

    The first issue of Volume 14 of, e-journal of international relations, presents 14 scientific articles evaluated in double blind peer review and 3 thematic reflection notes. The topics chosen by the authors are diverse, although presenting common points, which gives scientific unity and consistency. The subjects analysed include Defense education, securitization, Public International Law and international terrorism, military strategy, the scientific study of wars and armed conflicts through the term polemology, violence and populism, foreign policy, cooperation and paradiplomacy, closing the section of articles with an analysis of the circular economy. The three reflection notes focus on the analysis of blockchain technologies, improbable partnerships, and China's role in the Ukraine war.

  • Thematic dossier: Perspectives on China's International Presence: Strategies, Processes and Challenges
    Vol. 13 No. 2, TD1 (2022)

    This special issue is entitled “Perspectives on China’s International Presence: Strategies, Processes and Challenges”. All the authors were participants in the Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau (CCCM) China Conferences, held annually in the spring. The first two articles look back at developments in the first decade of the millennium, and provide important analysis that contributes to our understanding of the events that mark the present-day. The remaining three articles focus on contemporary political issues, and deal with various aspects of Chinese domestic and international politics. Each of the papers presents original research, with independent and novel findings, that will certainly be of use to the readers of the issue in understanding recent issues that concern China in the twenty-first century.