Place brand management, place branding, country reputation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Large Language Models (LLM)Abstract
This study analyses the summarized and probably interpretative possibilities of the artificial intelligence (AI) tool — using a Large Language Models (LLM) platform — machine learning models — to explain Brazil's reputation abroad, as a proxy for the study. The secondary data collected were conceptually pondered, with the current literature on place brand management and artificial intelligence in marketing, based on two prompts (questions) and nine international indexes. For data analysis, content analysis was used with thematic consideration when comparing with the state of the art of national and international literature. The results demonstrate that the comparative analysis between the returns of the platform and the indexes with the existing literature highlights the dichotomous reputation and the complex image of Brazil in global contexts, such as political, economic, social and cultural aspects. Furthermore, it is possible to note the variation in Brazil's positions in the selected indexes that are relevant to the perception of a country's reputation, in which the responses generated, despite being related to specific themes present in the indexes, do not show that the sources originate from scientific literature or systematic methods. This work contributes to the theoretical and methodological care of researchers on studies on city, region or country branding using LLM and AI tools. It is discovered that machine learning related to scientific knowledge considerably lacks the realities or nuances of the human side of the place, regarding the creative thinking of sensory and imaginary perception in experiencing a city, region or country, literally, living, visiting, working, studying, undertaking, investing, immigrating, etc. In this multidimensional context, the existing and necessary theoretical and practical proximity of place brand’s management studies with foundations of International Relations is reinforced.