
  • JOÃO R. FREIRE https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1199-412X
  • ROSANE K. GERTNER https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0601-1563




Destination Branding, Tourism, Travel Behaviour, DMO, Place Branding


This article aims to clarify the workings of place branding in a tourism context – destination branding. It has been recognized that the tourist buying decision has some unique aspects that differ from the more generic buyer behaviour. To have a clear idea about branding destinations one has to understand the specific characteristics of travel behaviour. Destination branding can be considered an exercise of identifying, organizing, and coordinating dimensions to deliver benefits relevant to the target markets. Destination brand dimensions are all of those attributes that are relevant and impact on the internal or external customers. A destination that has a clear position in terms of offer will potentially provide the means to satisfy in the most efficient way unsatisfied tourist’s needs. It has been recognised that the tourists´ needs are the driving force that motivates travel behaviour. Nevertheless, it has to be acknowledged that the perceived destination’s ability to satisfy a tourist’s needs may change along with his or her motivations. It is then assumed that the evaluation of a destination brand will also be dependent on the motives to travel. This article adopts several complementary approaches to investigate the destination brand workings. Sociological, anthropological, economic, and marketing studies are included to set up a theoretical discourse for destination brands.


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Author Biographies

JOÃO R. FREIRE, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1199-412X

With a degree in Economics and a PhD in Marketing, João Freire has worked for various companies in various countries throughout his career. João Freire has participated as a speaker at various international conferences, published articles in academic journals and chapters in books, and edited several books. He is part of the board of referees of different academic journals. He is currently the editor of the journal 'Place Branding and Public Diplomacy' for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Professor João Freire edited the book Nation Banding in Europe. O João Freire is a researcher at ICNOVA and a professor at IPAM Lisboa, where he coordinates the Global Marketing degree.

ROSANE K. GERTNER, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0601-1563

She has over 35 years of academic and professional experience in marketing. Her professional experience includes product management and marketing data analysis positions in multinational companies such as Johnson Wax. In addition, she has extensive experience in consultancy for various Brazilian and American companies, such as Xerox and Petrobras. As an academic, Dr Gertner has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses in marketing and chaired programmes at several universities in Brazil. She was also a visiting professor at Pace University in New York. She has authored and co-authored several articles published at conferences and in journals such as the Journal of Global Marketing and the Journal of International Business Studies. Her research interests centre on International Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communication, Place Marketing and Product Development.

