



Brasil, Bioeconomia, BRICS, China, Comércio, Inovação, Cooperação Sul-Sul


A relação Brasil-China é dupla e influencia tanto o desenvolvimento econômico quanto a estratégia geopolítica na América Latina. Por um lado, a China vê o Brasil como um mercado emergente com recursos naturais abundantes, o que torna setores como agricultura, energia e infraestrutura atraentes para o investimento chinês. Por outro lado, os investimentos chineses geralmente vêm acompanhados de projetos de desenvolvimento de infraestrutura, como a Iniciativa Cinturão e Rota (BRI), que pode ajudar o Brasil a melhorar seus setores de transporte e energia, como visto no projeto da Ferrovia Transoceânica. Além disso, os países têm cooperado mutuamente em outras áreas, como na integração do grupo BRICS, no lançamento de satélites por meio do programa China-Brasil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS), em telecomunicações (por exemplo, tecnologia 5G), no setor de energia eólica e em tecnologias verdes, bem como na integração do Brasil em cadeias globais de valor. Assim, este estudo tem como objetivo discutir os interesses mútuos sino-brasileiros e contribuir para a compreensão desse amplo assunto. Nossas discussões e análises sugerem que é importante que o Brasil e a China desenvolvam iniciativas com interesses mútuos e soberanos, visando estabelecer um comércio ambientalmente sustentável com assimetria reduzida. Áreas como a bioeconomia e a governança global são de grande interesse para o Brasil e a China. Os esforços de colaboração dessas nações podem viabilizar novas iniciativas com perspectivas de equilibrar forças com os EUA. De uma perspectiva macro, o fortalecimento econômico e comercial do BRICS e seu relacionamento com o Sul Global podem servir como um contraponto à influência americana. Embora o BRICS possa redefinir as relações de poder globais, os países membros do grupo podem enfrentar influências no gerenciamento de suas relações regionais.


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Biografias Autor


received a Ph.D in Information Systems and Knowledge Management from FUMEC University (Brazil) in 2019. He holds a master’s degree in administration (2014) from Centro Universitário Novos Horizontes (Brazil) and a bachelor’s degree in computer science (2001) from Universidade José do Rosário Vellano (Brazil). He has specializations in Computer Networks (2003), Higher Education Teaching (2005), and Information Technology Management (2012). He has been teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses in management and technology since 2005. Currently, he is a permanent professor in the Graduate Program in Management and Regional Development at Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas - UNIS-MG, Brazil. He is a guest professor in the master’s program in Data Science at Universidad Científica del Sur (Peru) - 2024. He serves as a technology mentor in the Innovation Ecosystem of Grupo Integrado (Brazil) and as a guest researcher at Centro Universitário Integrado, Brazil. He leads the following research groups accredited by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq): GPGDER - Research Group in Management and Regional Economic Development and GEADO - Research Group in Organizational Dynamic Ambidexterity. His most recent books/chapters include: "e Government and Green IT: The Intersection Point", published in Recent Advances in Data and Algorithms for e-Government, Springer Nature (2023); "Restructuring of the Brazilian Private Higher Education Sector through the Entry of Foreign Investment", published in Advances in Tourism, Technology, and Systems. Smart Innovation, Systems, and Technologies, Springer Nature (2022); "Mapping the Brazilian Reality in the Development of Special Economic Zones", published in Special Economic Zones as Regional Development Enablers, IGI-Global (2022); and "IT Governance in SMEs: the state-of-the-art", published in Research Anthology on Small Business Strategies for Success and Survival, IGI-Global (2022). ORCID: 0000-0002-7545-7529.


received a Ph.D (2016) and Master's (2012) in Economic Development from the Institute of Economics, Unicamp. Postdoctoral Fellow (2018) through the Postdoctoral Researcher Program (PPPD) at the Institute of Economics, Unicamp. Bachelor’s degree in economics (2001) and Specialization in Business Management from Faculdade Cenecista de Varginha (2005). Began his teaching career at Faculdade Cenecista de Varginha (Department of Economics) and is currently a professor at Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas (UNIS-MG). Coordinator of the Research Department at UNIS-MG and a permanent professor in the academic master’s program of the Graduate Program in Management and Regional Development (PPGDR - UNIS/MG). Guest professor at Centro Universitário Integrado de Campo Mourão-Paraná (Brazil). Leader of the Research Group on Management and Regional Economic Development (GPGDER). Member of the Group of Advanced Studies in Organisational Ambidexterity (GEAMO). Member of the Group of Studies on Regional Development and Industrial and Construction Waste (GEDRRIC) and also of the Research Group on Distance and Hybrid Education (GPEDH). Member of the Group of Economic Studies of Southern Minas Gerais (GEESUL) and of the Business Council of Southern Minas (CESUL). ORCID: 0000-0003-2590-1959.


received a Ph.D. in political science and international relations from the Catholic University of Portugal in 2010, and his habilitation from ISCTE–University Institute of Lisbon in 2022. From 2016 to 2017, he took part in a post-doctoral research programme on state monopolies in China — One belt, one road studies. In 2014, 2017 and 2020, he was awarded the Institute of European Studies in Macau (IEEM) Academic Research Grant, which is a major component of the Asia-Europe Comparative Studies Research Project. From 2014 to 2018, he was the Programme Coordinator at the Institute of Social and Legal Studies, Faculty of Humanities at the University of Saint Joseph in Macau. From 2018 to 2023 he was the Associate-Dean of the Institute for Research on Portuguese-Speaking Countries at the City University of Macau. He is currently Associate Professor with Habilitation in International Relations in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Macau (China). His most recent books are: Steps of Greatness: The Geopolitics of OBOR (2018), University of Macau; The Challenges, Development and Promise of Timor-Leste (2019), City University of Macau; The Belt and Road Initiative: An Old Archetype of a New Development Model (2020), Palgrave Macmillan; Geopolitics of Iran (2021), Palgrave Macmillan; The Handbook of Special Economic Zones (2021), IGI Global; Disentangled Visions on Higher Education: Preparing the Generation Next (2023), Peter Lang Publishers; The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics (2023), Palgrave Macmillan; Changing the Paradigm of Energy Geopolitics: Resources and Pathways in the Light of Global Climate Challenges (2023), Peter Lang Publishers; and Portuguese-speaking Small Island Developing States: The development Journeys of Cabo Verde, São Tomé and Príncipe, and Timor-Leste (2023), Palgrave Macmillan, ORCID: 0000-0002-1443-5828.


Post-Doctorate in Social Sciences, Politics and Territory from the University of Aveiro (Portugal), PhD in Administration from the Federal University of Lavras and Specialist in Innovation and Business Communication from the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (Portugal). I have a lot of experience in higher education as a manager, teacher and researcher. I have led teams in international research projects with India, Russia, Portugal, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina and Mexico and as a visiting professor in Portugal, Russia, Mexico, Peru, Paraguay and Bolivia. Consultant and facilitator of innovation models and processes for AGROGALAXI, ALICORP, J. MACEDO, GERDAU. I have won 9 awards for innovation in education. I've created 2 coworking spaces, mentored 8 startups and 3 business councils. Professor on courses for the Brazilian Air Force and the Brazilian Army. International assessor of higher education courses for the Higher Education Assessment and Accreditation Agency (Portugal). Coordinator of the Industry, Technology and Innovation Chamber of the Campo Mourão Development Council and Director of the Regional Innovation System. ORCID: 0000-0001-5458-5129.


received a PhD in Administration in the area of concentration in Global Business Strategy and Corporate Finance from the Federal University of Lavras in 2022. Master’s in administration from Fundação Pedro Leopoldo in 2012 and Specialist in Teaching in Professional and Technological Education; Active Methodologies and Business Management. Bachelor’s in administration with Qualification in Foreign Trade from the State University of Minas Gerais in 2006. Associate Professor since 2007 in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Management, with experience in coordinating technology, bachelor's and postgraduate courses (Brazil). He is currently a Professor of Basic, Technical and Technological Education in the Administration area at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Minas Gerais. Topics of interest: efficiency of public and private organizations, entrepreneurship, foreign trade, international relations, organizational learning and methodologies innovative teaching styles. ORCID: 0000 0002-2473-5728.

