



Cartografia Cultural, Educação Ambiental, Zonas Costeiras, Sustentabilidade Local, Conhecimento Espacial Local


Este artigo investiga como a cartografia cultural pode fortalecer a educação ambiental nas zonas costeiras de Portugal, destacando a sua relevância para a compreensão das interações entre as comunidades locais e as paisagens costeiras e para o desenvolvimento de estratégias sustentáveis de conservação e gestão ambiental. A praxis crítica desenvolvida na investigação, no ativismo e até em posições políticas tem tentado enfatizar a importância das construções coletivas para um futuro sustentável. A abordagem de mapeamento cultural apresenta uma perspetiva teórica e metodológica crítica e um potencial transformador significativo na busca de uma virada sócio-ecológica-cultural em direção à sustentabilidade local. Para explicar e debater estes pressupostos, este ensaio analisa a evolução urbana ao longo da costa portuguesa, examinando os contextos históricos e os desafios na gestão dos territórios costeiros. Destaca a cartografia cultural como uma abordagem valiosa para integrar o conhecimento local e promover a colaboração entre diferentes contextos culturais. O estudo sugere que a cartografia cultural aumenta a relevância e a ressonância dos projetos de educação ambiental nas comunidades, contribuindo assim para os objetivos locais de desenvolvimento sustentável. Discute-se a justificação para a adoção do termo "cartografia cultural", salientando o movimento crítico da ciência geográfica para a produção de mapas e a sua interpretação da cultura neste contexto. O manuscrito também apresenta e discute projetos de investigação que utilizam a cartografia cultural como pedagogia ativa e crítica e explora o seu potencial para a educação ambiental. Finalmente, o mapeamento cultural é retratado como uma abordagem de investigação interdisciplinar e transcultural que emprega ferramentas metodológicas críticas para a Educação Ambiental Costeira.

Biografias Autor


Ph.D. candidate in Environment and Sustainability at the Faculty of Science and Technology, NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal), and a researcher at the Oceanic Literacy Observatory (OLO) - Research Laboratory of the Marine and Environmental Sciences Center (MARE) and the Aquatic Research Network Associate Laboratory (ARNET). With a background in Geography, Sustainable Urbanism, and Spatial Planning, the author's research focuses on analyzing the intricate spatial relationships within territories and adopting a comprehensive view of the global ecological crisis. Collaborating closely with local communities, the author actively engages at the socio-ecological interface, placing value on local and traditional knowledge while striving to reorganize hierarchical social relations that contribute to environmental unsustainability. Through their research, the author aims to contribute to developing sustainable pathways for the future.


Researcher at MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre - Regional Research Unit of the University of Coimbra (Portugal). Biologist with a PhD in Biosciences and a MSc in Geographic Information Systems, her research interests include environmental assessment and management; ecosystem services mapping and evaluation; governance and ocean literacy with focus on estuarine, coastal and marine ecosystems. She has participated as a PI, project manager, task leader, team member and/or collaborator in several international and national projects; and has demonstrated success in grant writing and fundraising. She has also proven experience in science communication to a wide variety of audiences, acquired while coordinating and/or participating in more than 300 outreaching activities; as a member of the scientific committee of Escola Azul, an educational program from the Ministry of the Sea; as a mentor of school projects in Ocean Literacy; as a coordinator and trainer of several accredited training courses for school teachers; while attending conferences and workshops as an invited speaker and as a participant in work meetings with public and private entities. She is also one of the coordinators of MARE's educational program for schools - MARE goes to school - and one of the funding members of SERMARE, a highly successful educational program of the MAREFOZ Laboratory. Presently, she is a member of MARE's Board of Directors, a multi-institutional RD&I Centre (classification by FCT: EXCELLENT), being responsible for the Dissemination and Science Communication Actions affairs; Chairman of IMAR's General Assembly and co-coordinator of DivECO - Communication and Dissemination Network in Ecology.


Ph.D. in Educational Sciences with specializations in Community Education (Pt) and Socioanthropology of Space, and Post-Doctorates in Educational Sciences - Political Philosophy in Education, and in Environmental Sciences - Oceanic Literacy and Resilient Communities. She is an Ethnographer who is currently Invited Professor and Lead Researcher from Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Portugal) and member of the MARE Center since 2016, where she coordinates the Ocean Literacy Observatory. With experience in project coordination, she has leaded, among others, Portuguese researches as Urban Boundaries, founded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PTDC/CPE-CED/119695/2010), and Smart Fishing - safety and sustainability in artisanal fisheries, supported by MAR2020 - MAR-01.03.01-FEAMP-0028, as well as international researches as Partibridges - public participation of young fishermen in local decision-making, a ERASMUS+ Project under inner ID 0302120. She is engaged as the local coordinator of two international projects: Work practices in small communities in Brazil and Portugal: sustainability in know-how for social and economic equity, awarded with resources from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, founded by CNPq-Brasil, under process 404461/2021-2, and Marine Science, Technology, and Society, supported by EEA Grants - Education, under inner number EEA.BG.CALL5.007.2020. With high national and international experience in guidance and teaching, manly in the lines of communitarian education (indigenous and urban education; transdisciplinary and transcultural approaches; pedagogy of autonomy), new trends of scientific methodologies, and marine social sciences (ocean literacy, intellectual and environmental justice), works with the participatory methodologies, as critical ethnography and participatory action research, to stimulate the collaboration of all the actors involved in a research, aiming at the full exercise of citizen science in pluriverse roots.

