Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Dossiê temático - Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global.
Setembro 2024
PhD in Scientific and Technological Education from the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
(2007), Master's in Brazilian Education from the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS
(1993). Specialisation in Environmental Preservation from the Universidade de Passo
Fundo (UPF). Degree in Science, with a full degree in Biology; Degree in Pedagogy,
Qualification in School Supervision from the Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF). She is
currently an adjunct professor III at the Universidade Franciscana (UNF) de Santa Maria,
RS (Brazil), carrying out teaching and research activities with the Master's in Teaching
Humanities and Languages (MEHL), a member of the Ethics Committee for Research with
Human Beings (CEP/UFN). She is a collaborating professor in the Postgraduate
Programme in Scientific and Technological Education at the Universidade Regional
Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões (URI), Santo Ângelo campus. She has
experience in Education and Research Methodology, working mainly on the following
subjects: environmental education, sustainability and socio-environmental issues. She is
a leading researcher in the Teacher Training and Teaching Group and a member of the
Teaching Humanities and Languages Group.
PhD in Scientific and Technological Education from the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
(2006), with a post-doctoral internship in Education from the Instituto de Educação da
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal (2014). She has an undergraduate degree in Science from the
Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (1980), a bachelor's degree
in Biology from the Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (1983)
and a master's degree in Science Education from the Universidade Regional do Noroeste do
Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (2001). She is currently a professor at the Universidade Regional
Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões (Brazil), working as a permanent lecturer on the
Postgraduate Programme in Scientific and Technological Education and as a guest researcher on
the Postgraduate Programme in Science Education (UFFS). She has experience in the field of
Education, with an emphasis on Science and Technology Education, working mainly on the
following subjects: science education, teacher training, science teaching, history of science and
conception of science. She is a leading researcher in the Science, Technology and Health
Teaching Research Group (GPECTS) and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Vivências. Member of the
Coordination Team of the International Science Education Research Network - RIEC.
Master's in Scientific and Technological Education from the Universidade Regional Integrada do
alto Uruguai e das Missões (URI). Postgraduate in Environmental Sanitation from the Faculdade
Integrada da Grande Fortaleza (FGF). Graduated in Biological Sciences from the Universidade
Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Unijuí). Registered with the Regional
Council of Biology under No. 069261/03. She is currently Pedagogical Coordinator and High
School Teacher at Colégio Dom Hermeto, Três de Maio, RS (Brazil). High school teacher at the
Frederico Jorge Logemann Technological Centre, Horizontina, RS. She has experience in Science
and Technology Education, working mainly on the following subjects: science education, science
and biology teaching, scientific and research methodology, environmental licensing and
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 6-23
Brazilian Biomes and Environmental Education: Potentials for the Scientific and Ecological
Formation of High School Students
Noemi Boer, Neusa Maria John Scheid, Cláudia Rigoli Schneider
The results of the study conducted by the authors indicate that the Brazilian biomes content
did not receive the proper attention, in the period from 2015 to 2019, in the “Natural Sciences
and their Technologies” section of the National High School Examination (ENEM), which might
suggest that these are considered secondary content in these exams. This can impact the
scientific education of students and the development of skills that enhance the idea of
belonging to a specific place in defined space and time. In educational, political, cultural, and
social discussions, biomes are in focus and are understood as essential for the conservation
of Earth's biodiversity. All of these aspects relate to environmental education and the
ecological formation of individuals. In this qualitative study, a pedagogical intervention activity
is reported, which was conducted with a group of high school students from a Brazilian Basic
Education school as part of a master's research project. The students' activity consisted of
creating six infographics, each covering one of the Brazilian biomes. These infographics,
developed based on bibliographic research, were printed in poster format and displayed in the
classroom as a didactic and motivational resource. The intention was to contribute to the
scientific and ecological education of the students, especially regarding their awareness that
knowledge about biomes is essential for their preservation. Emphasis was placed on the
maintenance of genetic heritage of species, the ongoing need for soil and water conservation,
as well as the preservation of forests, which are crucial for regulating rainfall and the planet's
climate. It is concluded that the appropriate approach to biomes could be useful for the
scientific and ecological education of students and should have a central place in basic
education, not as an option but as a responsibility that must be urgently taken on.
Environmental, Biodiversity, Pampas, Amazon, Pantanal.
Os resultados de estudo realizado pelas autoras indicam que o conteúdo biomas brasileiros
não recebeu a devida atenção, no período 2015-2019, na prova de Ciências da Natureza e
suas Tecnologias, no Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM), possibilitando inferir que esses
são considerados conteúdo secundário nessas avaliações. Isso pode impactar a formação
científica dos estudantes e o desenvolvimento de competências que potencializam a ideia de
pertencimento a um determinado local, em espaço e tempo definidos. Nas discussões
educacionais, políticas, culturais e sociais, os biomas estão em foco e são entendidos como
imprescindíveis à conservação da biodiversidade da Terra. Todos esses aspectos dizem
respeito à educação ambiental e à formação ecológica das pessoas. Nesse estudo, de
abordagem qualitativa, relata-se uma atividade de intervenção pedagógica realizada com uma
turma de estudantes do Ensino Médio, de uma escola de Educação Básica brasileira, ao abrigo
de uma pesquisa de mestrado. A atividade dos estudantes consistiu na elaboração de seis
infográficos contemplando cada um dos biomas brasileiros. Elaborados a partir de pesquisa
bibliográfica, os infográficos impressos em formato de poster ficaram expostos em sala de
aula como recurso didático e motivacional. Pretendeu-se contribuir com a formação científica
e ecológica dos estudantes, principalmente no que diz respeito à consciência de que o
conhecimento relativo aos biomas é fundamental à sua preservação. Procurou-se dar
destaque à manutenção do patrimônio genético das espécies, à necessidade permanente de
cuidados com o solo e com a água, assim como a conservação das florestas, imprescindíveis
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 6-23
Brazilian Biomes and Environmental Education: Potentials for the Scientific and Ecological
Formation of High School Students
Noemi Boer, Neusa Maria John Scheid, Cláudia Rigoli Schneider
à regulação das chuvas e do clima do Planeta. Conclui-se que a abordagem apropriada dos
biomas poderá ser útil para a educação científica e ecológica dos estudantes, devendo ter um
lugar central na educação básica, não se constituindo uma opção, mas uma responsabilidade
que deve ser assumida com urgência.
Meio ambiente, Biodiversidade, Pampa, Amazônia, Pantanal.
How to cite this article
Boer, Noemi, Scheid, Neusa Maria John & Schneider, Cláudia Rigoli (2024). Brazilian Biomes and
Environmental Education: Potentials for the Scientific and Ecological Formation of High School
Students. Janus.net, e-journal of international relations. VOL15 N1, TD1 Dossiêr temático Rede
Lusófona de Educação Ambiental: perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais a
uma crise socioambiental global”. Setembro de 2024. DOI https://doi.org/10.26619/1647-
Article received on june 30
, 2024 and accepted on july 20
, 2024.
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 6-23
Brazilian Biomes and Environmental Education: Potentials for the Scientific and Ecological
Formation of High School Students
Noemi Boer, Neusa Maria John Scheid, Cláudia Rigoli Schneider
The current global context we experience, in various and frequent moments and
situations, has shown that we are reaching the limits of planetary conditions. The
consequences of climate change, for instance, concern the vast majority of the
population, as they constitute the most vulnerable segment to environmental disasters.
Hence, it is likely that few people, when asked about the importance of scientific studies
on this topic, would deny its urgency and society's responsibility in the face of socio-
environmental, economic, and health-related conflicts. In addition to this, we have the
increasing social inequalities, the disrespect towards the space and knowledge produced
and cultivated by traditional communities, scientific denialism, and climate changes,
among many other situations. It is becoming increasingly urgent for humanity to assume,
with science and prudence, the role of being and existing in the world in a more balanced
and responsible manner, by adopting ecologically oriented attitudes and overcoming the
individual-nature dichotomy (Leff, 2003; Luzzi, 2012; Carvalho, 2013). In this context,
Environmental Education and the ecological formation of individuals have been identified
as crucial to the development of environmentally sustainable societies.
It is understood that the production of scientific knowledge to underpin educational
proposals largely originates from the field of Ecology, a promising area concerning the
formation of critical and socio-environmentally responsible citizens. In this article,
referencing the definition by Ab'Sáber (2009, p. 18), ecology is defined as follows:
Ecology is the science that studies habitats and the environment, examining the
relationships between living beings and the physical environment in which they live
(Ab'Sáber, 2009, p. 18). Thus, as a science with a broad approach, Ecology is related to
the organization of Brazilian biomes, which is the scope of this article.
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 6-23
Brazilian Biomes and Environmental Education: Potentials for the Scientific and Ecological
Formation of High School Students
Noemi Boer, Neusa Maria John Scheid, Cláudia Rigoli Schneider
Currently, the concept of a biome is associated with the idea of nature conservation, and
its visualization has been sought through the aggregation of ecosystems by proximity
and regionalization. According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics
(IBGE), a biome comprises a set of life (plant and animal) constituted by the grouping
of contiguous and identifiable types of vegetation on a regional scale, with similar
geoclimatic conditions and a shared history of changes, which results in a unique
biological diversity(Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE, 2004, p. 11).
This is a political definition of the concept of a biome, resulting in six groups large
landscape and macro-ecological domains in Brazil, named: Caatinga, Cerrado,
Pantanal, Amazon, Atlantic Forest, and Pampa (Ab’Sáber, 2003, 2009).
In his book, Ecossistemas do Brasil (Ecosystems of Brazil, in English), from 2009, the
author locates these six landscape domains as follows: (1) Amazon as lowland forested
domains of the Amazon; (2) Caating as semi-arid inter-plateau depression domains of
the Northeast; (3) Atlantic Forest as forested hill sea domains; (4) Cerrado as plateau
domains covered and penetrated by gallery forest; (5) Araucaria plateau domains as the
southern Brazilian plateau, stretching from o Paulo to Rio Grande do Sul; and (6)
Pampa as mixed prairie domains of the southeast of Rio Grande do Sul. The first four
domains are intertropical, while the latter two are referred to as Brazilian subtropical
It is worth noting that Brazilian high school Biology textbooks contain different definitions
and numbers of Brazilian biomes. However, in this study, the classification of biomes
according to the IBGE, also endorsed by Ab'Sáber (2009), is adopted as described in
previous paragraphs. Furthermore, it is important to consider that there are studies
indicating various weaknesses in the content approach of these textbooks. Specifically,
concerning the content related to Brazilian biomes, Raiol, Oliveira, and Lemos (2019)
identified in their research that there is an absence of maps that show aquatic
environments and that important and current aspects, such as potential threats to the
integrity of the biomes, are not addressed in these textbooks.
In addition to this, there is the evidence obtained in research carried out by the authors
of this article when analyzing the questions in the Science of Nature and its Technologies
test of the National High School Exam (ENEM) in the period 2015-2019 (Schneider, Boer
and Scheid, 2021). The results related to questions on Brazilian biomes in this test,
considering the time frame, showed that knowledge of Ecology was frequent in the
Science of Nature and its Technologies tests, however, questions related to Brazilian
biomes were practically non-existent. This suggests that the topic of Brazilian biomes is
considered secondary content in ENEM assessments, which could affect the teaching of
biology in Brazilian schools, given that the content chosen in the exam is generally a
reference for teachers' didactic-pedagogical planning.
Therefore, teachers and students need to employ additional resources beyond textbooks
through active methodologies to address the study of biomes in the face of current
challenges. To help the understanding of high school students regarding Brazilian biomes,
it is necessary to bring them closer to the reality of their life context and create learning
situations in which they become protagonists of their knowledge. For this to happen, the
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 6-23
Brazilian Biomes and Environmental Education: Potentials for the Scientific and Ecological
Formation of High School Students
Noemi Boer, Neusa Maria John Scheid, Cláudia Rigoli Schneider
methodology used needs to be active and engage with the everyday language of the
One of these possibilities is the development of a Didactic Sequence (DS), so that
students engage in knowledge production through research. It is understood that this is
one way to provide a meaningful experience for both the teacher and the learner. In this
sense, digital Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can expand the
possibilities for teaching and learning (Moran et al., 2000), as in today's world, those
who are not "connected and lack digital literacy lose important opportunities to inform
themselves, access rich materials available, communicate, become visible to others,
publish their ideas, and increase their future employability" (Moran et al., 2000, p. 26).
Further, according to Nascimento, Guimarães, and El-Hani (2009), a well-developed DS
can contribute to teaching knowledge by fostering the articulation between reflective
thinking, knowledge, and professional practice.
Given such a context and considering that all of these aspects can have an impact on
students' scientific education and the development of skills that enhance the idea of
belonging to a certain place, in a defined space and time, this article reports on a
pedagogical intervention activity carried out with a group of high school students from a
Brazilian elementary school, as part of a master's research project whose central theme
was the study of Brazilian biomes. This topic is justified because in educational, political,
cultural and social discussions, biomes are in the spotlight and are understood to be
essential for the conservation of the Earth's biodiversity. All of these aspects relate to
environmental education and people's ecological education, as stated in the article's title.
Considerations on the Ecological Education of Students in the Brazilian
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco), in its
recently released report "Learn for Our Planet: A Global Review of How Environmental
Issues are Integrated into Education" (Unesco, 2021), calls on society to intensify efforts
by 2030 to address environmental issues, considering that:
The world has long recognized the need to harness the power of
education to tackle the challenges of sustainable development, but there
is still not enough systematic information about countries' positions in
addressing climate change, biodiversity, and the environment more
broadly in educational systems. To make progress, we must understand
where the gaps lie (Unesco, 2021, p. 4).
In Brazil, although there is a strong understanding that Environmental Education should
be integrated into the development of all curriculum components, in most basic education
curricula, it is confined to one subject: Natural Sciences in Elementary School and Biology
in High School. Considering this article discusses issues related to Brazilian biomes and
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 6-23
Brazilian Biomes and Environmental Education: Potentials for the Scientific and Ecological
Formation of High School Students
Noemi Boer, Neusa Maria John Scheid, Cláudia Rigoli Schneider
the content covered in Biology education, the following paragraphs provide information
about this curriculum component.
The study of Biology in High School aims to present and develop the main concepts
associated with living organisms for high school students, enabling their integration with
biological knowledge that will be necessary for daily life (contextualization) and used in
the assessment processes of the ENEM and university entrance exams (entrance exams
for higher education courses).
According to the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), in High School, the Biology
curriculum is part of the area of Natural Sciences and their Technologies and is
characterized as the science that studies "life in its various aspects as well as the
transformation of living organisms over time" (Ministry of Education, 2018), with the
purpose of promoting improvement in the quality of life and the preservation of the
ecosystem as a whole. With the implementation of the BNCC throughout Brazil, High
School consists of Basic General Education and Formative Paths, which allow students to
deepen their knowledge in the desired area.
The current organization of the High School curriculum was developed to consolidate and
deepen the knowledge acquired in Elementary School, and as a result, the area of Natural
Sciences and their Technologies is characterized by the presence of themes such as
Matter and Energy, Life, Earth, and Cosmos, traversing through the ten general
competencies established by the BNCC. Regarding the methodological aspects of
teaching, this document encourages student protagonism and learning through research.
Therefore, it is advocated that active methodologies enhance the construction of
knowledge in Biology, making learning more meaningful and interesting for the student.
It is worth mention that, according to the BNCC and complementary guidelines, for the
area of Natural Sciences and their Technologies, three specific competencies have been
defined to be developed over the three years of High School:
Competence 1: Analyze natural phenomena and technological processes, based on
interactions and relationships between matter and energy, to propose individual and
collective actions that enhance productive processes, minimize socio-environmental
impacts, and improve living conditions at the local, regional, and global levels.
Competence 2: Analyze and use interpretations of the dynamics of Life, Earth, and the
Cosmos to develop arguments, make predictions about the functioning and evolution of
living beings and the Universe, and ground and defend ethical and responsible decisions.
Competence 3: Investigate problem situations and evaluate applications of scientific
and technological knowledge and their implications in the world, using procedures and
languages specific to the Natural Sciences, to propose solutions that consider local,
regional, and/or global demands, and communicate their findings and conclusions to
various audiences, in diverse contexts and through different media and digital ICTs.
It is observed that the Brazilian educational legislation, in its curriculum guiding
documents, is aligned with the challenges faced by society. However, the question that
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 6-23
Brazilian Biomes and Environmental Education: Potentials for the Scientific and Ecological
Formation of High School Students
Noemi Boer, Neusa Maria John Scheid, Cláudia Rigoli Schneider
arises relates to the approach to these competencies and skills necessary for citizenship
education in basic education schools, which often is not adequate.
The Context of Pedagogical Intervention
The BNCC (Ministry of Education, 2018) determines that Brazilian biomes are part of the
content or objects of knowledge in Biology and Geography in High School. However, they
are generally addressed superficially in these curriculum components. To give meaning
to the theme and actively engage students, a DS was proposed, following the perspective
of Zabala (2010) and Oliveira (2013), using ICT resources as learning enhancers.
Therefore, the activities were planned to be developed using smartphones, tablets, or
notebooks with Internet access. The development of this DS occurred within the
framework of a research project that resulted in a Master's thesis and the proposal of an
Educational Product, developed in a Postgraduate Program in Scientific and Technological
Education at a Community University in southern Brazil.
The specifications of the stages of the DS are described in Table 1 below.
Table 1: Stages and Description of Procedures in the Didactic Sequence: Study of Brazilian
Description of Activities
Initial questions
- Which biome do we live in?
- What are the environmental conditions of this biome?
- Do you know of any measures to preserve this biome?
To answer the questions, the students researched
websites and books.
- Collective discussion of the answers.
2 hours/class
Organization of
groups and
orientation of
research activities
- The class was divided into small groups;
- Each group was given a biome to research on websites
and books indicated by the teacher;
Group 1: Caatinga biome
Group 2: Cerrado Biome
Group 3: Pantanal Biome
Group 4: Amazon Biome
Group 5: Atlantic Forest Biome
Group 6: Pampa Biome
2 hours/class
- Research in the library and virtual environment with the
following items:
- Geographical location and climate;
- Main characteristics of the biome's fauna and flora;
- Identification of the main environmental problems of the
biome researched
- Organization of information in a PowerPoint
4 hours/class
- Each group presented their researched biome to the
- Discussion of the causes and consequences of human
impact on these biomes.
4 hours/class
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 6-23
Brazilian Biomes and Environmental Education: Potentials for the Scientific and Ecological
Formation of High School Students
Noemi Boer, Neusa Maria John Scheid, Cláudia Rigoli Schneider
The activity took
place in the
computer lab or
- With the knowledge acquired from the research and
presentations, each group created an infographic to
display in the classroom;
- The infographics were created using the Canva tool,
available at https://www.canva.com/
3 hours/class
- Exhibition of the infographics in the classroom.
- Presentation of each infographic to the class.
- Discussion on the topic of Brazilian biomes.
2 hours/class
Ecological Trail
- For on-site knowledge of a fragment of the Atlantic
Forest biome, an ecological trail was conducted in an
environmental preservation area located 20 km from the
- Observations and identification of plant species, mosses,
lichens, fungi, animals, and anthropogenic environmental
changes in the area were made.
- Students took photos and videos using their cell phones.
4 hours/class
After the trail, each group made a video with the photos
taken, reporting the main issues encountered and the
importance of the researched biome. The video was
shared on the school's social media platforms and served
as material for analysis.
3 hours/class
Presentation / Exhibition
4 hours/class
The students carried out an evaluative activity on Brazilian
biomes, answering 10 objective questions taken from
ENEM exams and entrance exams from different
1 hour/class
Source: The Authors (2020)
The implementation of the DS took place during the second semester of 2020, involving
a first-year class of High School at a private school located in a municipality in the
northwest of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in southern Brazil. The study included 25
students aged between 15 and 16, which of the nine were females and were males.
Considering that in 2020 there were restrictions imposed by the Coronavirus pandemic,
all activities except the Ecological Trail were conducted remotely, using Google Meet and
Google Forms resources. The educational trail was conducted in person in 2021.
In accordance with the arguments of Oliveira (2013), that a DS can be considered both
a teaching technique and a research method, the research project was submitted for
review by the CEP/Conep system, as provided for in Resolution CNS/MS 510/2016, as
follows: "research in human and social sciences requires respect and guarantee of the
full exercise of the rights of the participants, and must be conceived, evaluated, and
conducted in such a way as to foresee and avoid possible harm to the participants"
(National Health Council, 2016). Such a resolution lays down norms applicable to
research in Human and Social Sciences in Brazil. Thus, all activities were ethically
designed and studied for the level of development of the participants, seeking benefits
in student learning. Parents signed a Free and Informed Consent Form (FICF) and
students consented to participate in the study through the Assent Form. The research
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 6-23
Brazilian Biomes and Environmental Education: Potentials for the Scientific and Ecological
Formation of High School Students
Noemi Boer, Neusa Maria John Scheid, Cláudia Rigoli Schneider
protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee on Research with Human Beings of the
University (CEP/URI) on August 31, 2020.
As this article focuses on the analysis of the six infographics produced by high school
students and the contributions of this activity to their scientific and ecological education,
we begin by presenting the analysis related to the application of the DS.
The activity that led to the creation of the infographics began with the students' inquiry
about their prior knowledge of Brazilian biomes. The responses were recorded in a Field
Diary by the teacher-researcher (one of the authors), allowing for an evaluation of the
knowledge production process by the students.
The students were divided into 6 (six) groups, each tasked with preparing a presentation
about the biome assigned to them through a previous draw, as well as organizing an
infographic containing the main information about the biome under study (biome name,
location, flora, fauna, climate, importance, and references). Theoretical concepts,
visualization, and presentation of the characteristics of each biome were considered
fundamental for understanding the species of fauna and flora that live in each biome, as
well as for arousing the students' awareness of the importance of environmental
The Canva tool (https://www.canva.com/), freely accessible, was used by all groups to
create the infographics. The infographics were displayed on a clothesline in the classroom
and remained available for consultation throughout the semester. Figures 1 to 6 depict
the infographics of the six biomes produced by two groups.
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 6-23
Brazilian Biomes and Environmental Education: Potentials for the Scientific and Ecological
Formation of High School Students
Noemi Boer, Neusa Maria John Scheid, Cláudia Rigoli Schneider
Figure 1: Infographic Amazon Biome Figure 2: Infographic Alantic Rainforest Biome
Source: Research Data
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 6-23
Brazilian Biomes and Environmental Education: Potentials for the Scientific and Ecological
Formation of High School Students
Noemi Boer, Neusa Maria John Scheid, Cláudia Rigoli Schneider
Figure 3: Infographic Cerrado Biome Figure 4: Infographic Caatinga Biome
Source: Research Data
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 6-23
Brazilian Biomes and Environmental Education: Potentials for the Scientific and Ecological
Formation of High School Students
Noemi Boer, Neusa Maria John Scheid, Cláudia Rigoli Schneider
Figure 5: Infographic Pampa Biome Figure 6: Infographic Pantanal Biome
Source: Research Data
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 6-23
Brazilian Biomes and Environmental Education: Potentials for the Scientific and Ecological
Formation of High School Students
Noemi Boer, Neusa Maria John Scheid, Cláudia Rigoli Schneider
Aspects Highlighted by the Students in the Developed Activity
Regarding the Amazon Biome, as referenced in Favaretto (2015), they highlighted that
about 60% of the total area of this dense ombrophilous forest (which spans nine South
American countries) is located in Brazil, where it covers 40% of the territory. To a greater
or lesser extent, it covers the states of Rondônia, Acre, Amazonas, Roraima, Amapá,
Pará, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, and Tocantins. Rainfall and temperature are high, favoring
life development, which enables the flourishing of one of the greatest biodiversities on
Earth. In the Amazon rainforest, agricultural and livestock activities, as well as logging,
are progressively depleting the forest.
Similarly, they identified that this biome occupies the largest area of Brazilian territory
with great importance due to its rich biodiversity of flora and fauna, and in cloud
formation, modifying the climate globally. During the presentation, the group responsible
for the research mentioned the documentary "A River in the Sky" produced by National
Geographic (available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8auUznr49pM), which
highlights the great importance of the Amazon rainforest for the maintenance of life on
our planet.
The main types of anthropization found were deforestation, wildfires, cattle ranching, and
grain cultivation. Additionally, the illegal trade of animals is another way of driving
various species to extinction.
Based on data from the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment (2020), the students
reported that the Atlantic Forest biome was the second-largest ombrophilous forest in
South America, covering the entire coast of Brazil (from Rio Grande do Sul to Rio Grande
do Norte). Currently, due to deforestation (mainly from the 20th century onwards), it is
greatly reduced, being one of the ten most threatened tropical forests on the planet, as
stated by Favaretto (2015). Originally, the biome covered more than 1.3 million km² in
17 states of Brazilian territory, extending across much of the country's coast. However,
due to human occupation and activities in the region, today only around 29% of its
original coverage remains (Ministry of the Environment, 2020).
In the context of the studied biomes, the Pampa biome is the most familiar to the
students because the pampas (also called mixed grasslands, southern grasslands, or
Gaúcho grasslands) constitute an herbaceous formation that occurs in Rio Grande do Sul,
extending into Argentina and Uruguay. Rainfall is not high; the predominant vegetation
consists of grasses, with remaining forests along the riverbanks. The pampas are subject
to erosion and desertification caused by intense grazing and common wildfires in the
region, as warned by Favaretto (2015). The natural landscapes of the Pampa vary from
hills to plains, rocky hills to hillocks. The biome exhibits an immense cultural heritage
associated with biodiversity, as highlighted by the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment
(Ministry of the Environment, 2020).
With an average altitude of 100m, the Pantanal biome is the largest flooded plain in the
Americas, with an estimated area of 150,000 km². It occupies a significant part of the
states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, extending into Bolivia and Paraguay. In
the higher lands, various vegetation formations can be found, such as grasslands,
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 6-23
Brazilian Biomes and Environmental Education: Potentials for the Scientific and Ecological
Formation of High School Students
Noemi Boer, Neusa Maria John Scheid, Cláudia Rigoli Schneider
savannas, scrublands, and forests (Favaretto, 2015). Despite being the smallest
continental biome in Brazil in terms of territorial extension, as stated by the Ministry of
the Environment (Ministry of the Environment, 2020), this fact does not detract from the
abundant richness that this biome harbors.
The capital of Brazil, Brasília, is located in the Cerrado biome. The students, based on
Favaretto (2015), highlighted that the cerrados, covering 25% of the national territory,
contain one-third of all Brazilian species. They are situated practically in the center of the
country, occupying parts of Rondônia, Tocantins, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul,
Goiás, the Federal District, Bahia, among others. The cerrados have an annual rainfall of
around 1500 mm, with soil poor in nutrients and rich in aluminum. Considered one of the
world's biodiversity hotspots, the Cerrado exhibits an extremely high abundance of
endemic species and undergoes exceptional habitat loss. From a biological diversity
perspective, the Brazilian Cerrado is recognized as the richest savanna in the world,
harboring 11,627 species of native plants already cataloged (Ministry of the Environment
The students attributed great importance to the Cerrado biome because it is the only one
that connects with the other Brazilian biomes, except for the Pampa biome. They were
also surprised by its biodiversity and attributed its anthropization mainly to deforestation
for crop cultivation and pastureland.
The Caatinga biome is exclusively Brazilian and covers almost 10% of the national
territory (Castro et al., 2006), suffering anthropization in the form of wildfires,
deforestation, and hunting, leading to its fragmentation and habitat reduction. It can be
considered a particular type of savanna that occupies, to a greater or lesser extent, the
states of the Northeast, as well as some regions of northern Minas Gerais. Its
temperatures are high, and air humidity is low. Rainfall is scarce, and rains only occur in
the winter, occasionally leading to prolonged dry periods (Favaretto, 2015). The Ministry
of the Environment (Ministry of the Environment, 2020) states that despite its
importance, the biome has been rapidly deforested, mainly in recent years, due primarily
to the consumption of native wood, illegally and unsustainably exploited for domestic and
industrial purposes, overgrazing, and conversion to pastureland and agriculture.
In summary, the Brazilian biomes encompass all the diversity of fauna and flora that the
country possesses. However, their conservation is increasingly threatened by
anthropogenic activities, mainly those related to the conversion of natural landscapes
into areas for agricultural production and real estate development (Aleixo et al., 2010).
This is mainly due to population growth and the lack of public policies aimed at their
Results Discussion
During the implementation of the DS, it was evident that the students engaged with the
content. The use of technological resources sparked an interest in the subject matter.
Theoretical concepts, visualization, and presentation of the characteristics of each biome
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 6-23
Brazilian Biomes and Environmental Education: Potentials for the Scientific and Ecological
Formation of High School Students
Noemi Boer, Neusa Maria John Scheid, Cláudia Rigoli Schneider
were crucial for understanding the species of fauna and flora inhabiting each biome, as
well as for instilling in the students an awareness of the importance of preservation.
Specifically regarding the infographics, it was observed that the students understood the
concept of biomes and were able to accurately characterize the six Brazilian biomes. They
utilized information, text, and images as visual representation of the content studied,
thereby developing technological skills and text interpretation abilities. It highlights the
importance of providing the necessary encouragement for students to seek answers to
the challenges posed through research.
The use of active methodologies in the classroom helps students develop the skills
required by the BNCC. The organization of the study of Brazilian biomes in an DS proved
to be appropriate as an innovative and efficient methodology for school learning.
Similarly, it is observed that the activity of elaborating infographics is aligned with the
skills foreseen in the BNCC (Ministry of Education, 2018), especially the EM13CNT302
Communicate, to varied audiences, in diverse contexts, results of analyses,
research, and/or experiments, elaborating and/or interpreting texts, graphics,
tables, symbols, codes, classification systems, and equations, through different
languages, media, digital information, and communication technologies (TDIC),
in order to participate and/or promote debates around scientific and/or
technological topics of socio-cultural and environmental relevance (Ministry of
Education, 2018).
It was observed that during the discussions about the research conducted, students
realized that the main anthropogenic actions in some biomes are cattle ranching, grain
cultivation, and wildfires. All of this is causing a process of desertification in various
regions of the biomes, such as the Pampa and the Cerrado, highlighting the need to
preserve each ecosystem so that they maintain their own characteristics and biodiversity.
Final Considerations
Given the challenges humanity currently faces, particularly regarding the socio-
environmental issues affecting the entire planet, such as climate change and its global
ramifications, authors like Sauvé (2005), Leff (2003, 2007), and Luzzi (2012) argue that
societies need to adapt their way of life and organization so that humans can cope with
increasingly frequent and severe environmental problems. In this regard, it is
acknowledged that schools are not the sole solution to these socio-environmental issues.
However, it is precisely within this space that there are conditions and potential for the
collaborative and transformative production of new knowledge, enabling intervention at
the root causes of problems rather than merely addressing their effects.
In line with the points raised by Unesco, it is essential to adopt new directions and
perspectives for Environmental Education in the Brazilian school context.
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 6-23
Brazilian Biomes and Environmental Education: Potentials for the Scientific and Ecological
Formation of High School Students
Noemi Boer, Neusa Maria John Scheid, Cláudia Rigoli Schneider
The results obtained in this developed project indicate that the appropriate approach to
biomes could be useful for the scientific and ecological education of students, should have
a central place in basic education, not constituting an option, but a responsibility that
must be assumed urgently.
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JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 6-23
Brazilian Biomes and Environmental Education: Potentials for the Scientific and Ecological
Formation of High School Students
Noemi Boer, Neusa Maria John Scheid, Cláudia Rigoli Schneider
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