Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
Vol. 15, N.º 2, TD2
Thematic Dossier Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Special edition on Ibero-American States
February 2025
Ana Margarida Barreto is an Assistant Professor with Habilitation at Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
where she teaches Marketing, Strategic Communication and Organizational Communication. She
completed a postdoc at Tel Aviv University, where she studied attention, perception, and
memory, and was a visiting researcher at the University of Texas at Austin, Westminster
University, King's College London, and Columbia University. She founded and coordinated the
research line in Strategic Communication and the Laboratory in Research in Applied
Communication - LICA (remaining in its coordination), of the ICNOVA Research Centre. Outside
academia, she worked for several years in communication, branding and advertising, in Portugal
and Spain. ORCID: 0000-0002-7465-327X.
She works as a researcher, university lecturer and consultant; she has a post-doctorate,
doctorate and master's degree in Business Administration and a bachelor's degree in Social
Communication. She has been studying image, reputation and the Brazil brand since 2010. She
is interested in the areas of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. She was named a Place Brand
Expert by The Place Brand Observer in Switzerland. Author of the recent article: ‘When place
brand and place logo matches: VRIO applied to Place Branding’, two books and seven book
chapters. In March 2025, Fabiana publishes a chapter entitled “The Brazilian Way” no Public
Diplomacy Handbook by the Edward Elgar Publishing, in the U.S.A.
ORCID: 0000-0003-2404-7041.
With a degree in Economics and a PhD in Marketing, João Freire has worked for various
companies in various countries throughout his career. João Freire has participated as a speaker
at various international conferences, published articles in academic journals and chapters in
books, and edited several books. He is part of the board of referees of different academic
journals. He is currently the editor of the journal 'Place Branding and Public Diplomacy' for
Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Professor João Freire edited the book Nation Banding in
Europe. O João Freire is a researcher at ICNOVA and a professor at IPAM Lisboa, where he
coordinates the Global Marketing degree. ORCID: 0000-0003-1199-412X.
He is Adjunct Professor at School of Education and Social Sciences at Polytechnic University of
Leiria. He completed his MSc in Communication, Culture and Information Technologies at ISCTE
Lisbon University Institute, in 2011, and his PhD in Communication Science at the same
university, in 2017. He works in the area of Social Sciences with emphasis on Communication
Sciences and develops his research in Strategic Communication (Public Relations), Political
Communication, Journalism and New Media and Social Movements. He is an Integrated
Researcher at ICNOVA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and a collaborator at NIPCOM, Universidade
Autónoma de Lisboa. He is a member of SOPCOM (Portuguese Society of Communication
Sciences) and APCE (Portuguese Association of Corporate Communication).
ORCID: 0000-0003-2639-5832.
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL 15, N 2, TD2
Thematic Dossier - Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Special edition on Ibero-American States
February 2025, pp. 8-12
Editorial Places, People and Partnerships: Literature's Indispensable
Theoretical-Practical Trivium
Ana Margarida Barreto, Fabiana Gondim Mariutti, João R. Freire, Nuno Correia de Brito
How to cite this editorial
Barreto, Ana Margarida, Mariutti, Fabiana, Freire, João R. & Brito, Nuno Correia de (2025). Editorial,
Places, People and Partnerships: Literature's Indispensable Theoretical-Practical Trivium.
Janus.net, e-journal of international relations. VOL 15 N 2, TD2 Thematic Dossier Place
Branding and Public Diplomacy”. February 2025, pp. 8-12. https://doi.org/10.26619/1647-
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL 15, N 2, TD2
Thematic Dossier - Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Special edition on Ibero-American States
February 2025, pp. 8-12
Editorial Places, People and Partnerships: Literature's Indispensable
Theoretical-Practical Trivium
Ana Margarida Barreto, Fabiana Gondim Mariutti, João R. Freire, Nuno Correia de Brito
This special issue of the e-journal of International Relations, dedicated to scientific
research from Ibero-American countries, is the result of an editorial partnership between
researchers from Portugal and Brazil, with the support of the Universidade Autónoma de
Lisboa and ICNOVA.
Studies on place branding and public diplomacy have evolved significantly over time, with
a greater concentration of analyses focused on locations in Europe and Asia. Although
the term ‘public diplomacy’ dates back to 1965 (coined by Edmund Gullion, see Cull,
2008), Anholt's introduction of the concept of ‘place branding’ in 1998 helped formalise
the idea of managing a place's reputation using branding principles. Since then, these
two fields have become intertwined in practice and knowledge.
Despite decades of existence, these concepts are still far from fully mature. Therefore,
dossiers like this one help to promote conceptual alignment, where different perspectives
coexist and places differ by location, size, culture, economy, politics, among other
factors. Whatever the perspective, place branding and public diplomacy are related, as
both aim to influence international perceptions. Although there are still few articles that
integrate the two fields of knowledge, we believe that both areas can benefit and
reinforce each other. The literature points precisely to some gaps and needs for theory
building, such as developing new concepts and theories in the context of artificial
intelligence; adapting models for small cities, towns and rural areas; reviewing the real
positive impact that places have on people's lives; and analysing the role of places in
mitigating the negative effects of climate change or eradicating poverty. After all, places
have interesting histories, survive on resources and exist for people. The reality of each
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL 15, N 2, TD2
Thematic Dossier - Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Special edition on Ibero-American States
February 2025, pp. 8-12
Editorial Places, People and Partnerships: Literature's Indispensable
Theoretical-Practical Trivium
Ana Margarida Barreto, Fabiana Gondim Mariutti, João R. Freire, Nuno Correia de Brito
place needs to be studied for its reputation to be properly perceived or for its space to
be worth living, visiting, working, studying, undertaking, investing there, etc.
By lucky coincidence, this dossier is being published in the year that Place Branding and
Public Diplomacy (PBPD) celebrates its 20th anniversary. The special two-decade edition
of PBPD magazine invites reflection on the state of the art of Place Branding and Public
Diplomacy (see Florek & Pamment, 2024). The guest authors analyse the evolution of
the theme in the theoretical-methodological field, highlighting the need for greater
theoretical consolidation of the concept of Place Branding and the building of bridges to
the concept of Public Diplomacy. It is, however, two decades of research and innovative
contributions to a field of knowledge that has reformulated the way countries, cities and
regions think about themselves and how they present themselves to the world, evolving
their actions towards an integrated model. Place brand management is currently
consolidated as a scientific topic in academia, widely recognised by researchers from
various fields and backed up by publications in different scientific journals.
The six articles chosen by authors from Brazil and Portugal for this special edition
highlight the diversity and richness of place branding research - four articles on regions
in Portugal and two articles on Brazil. With regard to the methodology used, qualitative
studies prevail (four), followed by theoretical essays (two).
The first article, a theoretical essay, A Theoretical Background for Place Branding in a
Tourism Context, explains how place branding works in a tourism context - destination
branding. It acknowledges that the tourist's purchasing decision has some unique aspects
that differ from more generic buyer behaviour. It is therefore argued that in order to
understand how destination branding works, it is necessary to comprehend the specific
characteristics of tourist behaviour.
In another theoretical essay, From Smart Cities to Smart Territories: Co-operation as a
Place Branding Strategy, a reflection is presented on the use of the smart cities concept
and its potential to be applied to wider territories, involving several municipalities. The
concept of smart cities is expanded to include rural or hinterland territories, suggesting
that this approach can bring considerable benefits to these regions, including greater
integration, co-operation and sustainable development. People and Planet First: Testing
a Nuanced Approach to Place Branding in The Dão Wine Region proposes an innovative
and disruptive approach to place branding, suggesting that the focus should be on people
and the planet, arguing that applying sustainable and socially responsible practices can
be an effective way of building a strong place brand. This qualitative approach is tested
in a Portuguese wine region, the Dão, demonstrating how social and environmental
responsibility can contribute to strengthening a place's identity.
The article Destinations, Experiences, and Places: The Role of Storytelling in Tourism
Advertising Communication analyses the role of storytelling in the communication of
tourist destinations, based on an analysis of the ‘Can't Skip Portugal’ campaign,
developed by the Turismo de Portugal. This qualitative research concludes that
storytelling is an extremely effective communication tool, both for involving internal
stakeholders and for increasing the efficiency of destinations' communication with their
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL 15, N 2, TD2
Thematic Dossier - Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Special edition on Ibero-American States
February 2025, pp. 8-12
Editorial Places, People and Partnerships: Literature's Indispensable
Theoretical-Practical Trivium
Ana Margarida Barreto, Fabiana Gondim Mariutti, João R. Freire, Nuno Correia de Brito
target audiences. Storytelling, in this context, serves as an emotional link that connects
the destination to the visitor, creating a more engaging and memorable image.
The article Management and Positioning of the Brazil Brand in the Latin American Context
focuses on the development of a country brand for Brazil, with the aim of strengthening
the country's image on the international stage. The study, which is qualitative in nature,
uses secondary sources to construct a guiding document that can assist in the brand
development process. The study argues that developing a strong brand for Brazil has the
potential to attract more investment, tourists and boost exports, while at the same time
improving the country's image in the Latin American and global context.
The Human Side of Places: Machine Learning and Scientific Knowledge, uncovers that
when comparing the results of an artificial intelligence (AI) tool related to scientific
knowledge, the realities or nuances of the human side of the place are considerably
lacking, in terms of the creative thinking of sensory and imaginary perception when
experiencing a city, region or country, namely, living, visiting, working, studying,
undertaking, investing, immigrating there, etc. This qualitative study analyses the
deliveries of a Large Language Models (LLM) platform together with the results of nine
country-brand indices to explain Brazil's reputation abroad, as a proxy for interpretive
content analysis.
The articles selected, with their diverse theoretical approaches and interpretative
methodologies, make a significant contribution to understanding and advancing the field
of place branding, offering new perspectives, timely insights and contemporary scenarios
to solidify the literature. Places with their own cultures, people with peculiar creativities
and partnerships between varied groups synthesise the tripod needed for theory and
practice to come together in favour of academic advancement, scientific rigour and
human prosperity. May it be a contribution to applicable knowledge in research on cities,
regions and countries for future generations of researchers from Ibero-American
countries and other nations.
Anholt, S. (1998). Nation-brands of the twenty-frst century. Journal of Brand
Management, 5, 395-406.
Cull, N. J. (2008). Public diplomacy before Gullion: The evolution of a phrase.
In Routledge handbook of public diplomacy (pp. 39-43). Routledge.
Florek, M., & Pamment, J. (2024). Celebrating two decades of the Journal of Place
Branding and Public Diplomacy. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 20(Suppl 1), 1-3.