Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Dossiê temático - Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global.
Setembro 2024
Ph.D. candidate in Environment and Sustainability at the Faculty of Science and Technology,
NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal), and a researcher at the Oceanic Literacy Observatory
(OLO) - Research Laboratory of the Marine and Environmental Sciences Center (MARE) and the
Aquatic Research Network Associate Laboratory (ARNET). With a background in Geography,
Sustainable Urbanism, and Spatial Planning, the author's research focuses on analyzing the
intricate spatial relationships within territories and adopting a comprehensive view of the global
ecological crisis. Collaborating closely with local communities, the author actively engages at the
socio-ecological interface, placing value on local and traditional knowledge while striving to
reorganize hierarchical social relations that contribute to environmental unsustainability. Through
their research, the author aims to contribute to developing sustainable pathways for the future.
Researcher at MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre - Regional Research Unit of the
University of Coimbra (Portugal). Biologist with a PhD in Biosciences and a MSc in Geographic
Information Systems, her research interests include environmental assessment and
management; ecosystem services mapping and evaluation; governance and ocean literacy with
focus on estuarine, coastal and marine ecosystems. She has participated as a PI, project
manager, task leader, team member and/or collaborator in several international and national
projects; and has demonstrated success in grant writing and fundraising. She has also proven
experience in science communication to a wide variety of audiences, acquired while coordinating
and/or participating in more than 300 outreaching activities; as a member of the scientific
committee of Escola Azul, an educational program from the Ministry of the Sea; as a mentor of
school projects in Ocean Literacy; as a coordinator and trainer of several accredited training
courses for school teachers; while attending conferences and workshops as an invited speaker
and as a participant in work meetings with public and private entities. She is also one of the
coordinators of MARE's educational program for schools - MARE goes to school - and one of the
funding members of SERMARE, a highly successful educational program of the MAREFOZ
Laboratory. Presently, she is a member of MARE's Board of Directors, a multi-institutional RD&I
Centre (classification by FCT: EXCELLENT), being responsible for the Dissemination and Science
Communication Actions affairs; Chairman of IMAR's General Assembly and co-coordinator of
DivECO - Communication and Dissemination Network in Ecology.
Ph.D. in Educational Sciences with specializations in Community Education (Pt) and
Socioanthropology of Space, and Post-Doctorates in Educational Sciences - Political Philosophy in
Education, and in Environmental Sciences - Oceanic Literacy and Resilient Communities. She is
an Ethnographer who is currently Invited Professor and Lead Researcher from Universidade
NOVA de Lisboa (Portugal) and member of the MARE Center since 2016, where she coordinates
the Ocean Literacy Observatory. With experience in project coordination, she has leaded, among
others, Portuguese researches as Urban Boundaries, founded by Fundação para a Ciência e a
Tecnologia (PTDC/CPE-CED/119695/2010), and Smart Fishing - safety and sustainability in
artisanal fisheries, supported by MAR2020 - MAR-01.03.01-FEAMP-0028, as well as international
researches as Partibridges - public participation of young fishermen in local decision-making, a
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 65-80
Cultural Mapping as a Tool for Environmental Education in Coastal Areas
Daniel Oliveira, Zara Teixeira, Mônica Mesquita
ERASMUS+ Project under inner ID 0302120. She is engaged as the local coordinator of two
international projects: Work practices in small communities in Brazil and Portugal: sustainability
in know-how for social and economic equity, awarded with resources from the National Council
for Scientific and Technological Development, founded by CNPq-Brasil, under process
404461/2021-2, and Marine Science, Technology, and Society, supported by EEA Grants -
Education, under inner number EEA.BG.CALL5.007.2020. With high national and international
experience in guidance and teaching, manly in the lines of communitarian education (indigenous
and urban education; transdisciplinary and transcultural approaches; pedagogy of autonomy),
new trends of scientific methodologies, and marine social sciences (ocean literacy, intellectual
and environmental justice), works with the participatory methodologies, as critical ethnography
and participatory action research, to stimulate the collaboration of all the actors involved in a
research, aiming at the full exercise of citizen science in pluriverse roots.
This article investigates how cultural mapping can strengthen environmental education in
coastal areas of Portugal, highlighting its relevance for understanding the interactions
between local communities and coastal landscapes and the development of sustainable
conservation and environmental management strategies. The critical praxis developed in
research, activism, and even political stances has been trying to emphasize the importance
of collective constructions for a sustainable future. The cultural mapping approach presents a
critical theoretical and methodological perspective and significant transformative potential in
pursuing a socioecological-cultural turn toward local sustainability. To explain and debate
those assumptions, this essay analyzes the urban evolution along the Portuguese coast,
examining historical contexts and challenges in managing coastal territories. It emphasizes
cultural mapping as a valuable approach for integrating local knowledge and fostering
collaboration across diverse cultural backgrounds. The study suggests that cultural mapping
enhances the relevance and resonance of environmental education projects within
communities, thereby contributing to local sustainable development goals. The rationale for
adopting the term "cultural mapping" is discussed, highlighting the critical movement from
geographical science toward map production and its interpretation of culture within this
framework. The manuscript also presents and discusses research projects utilizing cultural
mapping as active and critical pedagogies and explores its potential for environmental
education. Finally, cultural mapping is portrayed as an interdisciplinary and transcultural
research approach employing critical methodological tools for Coastal Environmental
Cultural Mapping, Environmental Education, Coastal Areas, Local Sustainability, Local Spatial
Este artigo investiga como a cartografia cultural pode fortalecer a educação ambiental nas
zonas costeiras de Portugal, destacando a sua relevância para a compreensão das interações
entre as comunidades locais e as paisagens costeiras e para o desenvolvimento de estratégias
sustentáveis de conservação e gestão ambiental. A praxis crítica desenvolvida na
investigação, no ativismo e até em posições políticas tem tentado enfatizar a importância das
construções coletivas para um futuro sustentável. A abordagem de mapeamento cultural
apresenta uma perspetiva teórica e metodológica crítica e um potencial transformador
significativo na busca de uma virada sócio-ecológica-cultural em direção à sustentabilidade
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lufona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 65-80
Cultural Mapping as a Tool for Environmental Education in Coastal Areas
Daniel Oliveira, Zara Teixeira, Mônica Mesquita
local. Para explicar e debater estes pressupostos, este ensaio analisa a evolução urbana ao
longo da costa portuguesa, examinando os contextos históricos e os desafios na gestão dos
territórios costeiros. Destaca a cartografia cultural como uma abordagem valiosa para integrar
o conhecimento local e promover a colaboração entre diferentes contextos culturais. O estudo
sugere que a cartografia cultural aumenta a relevância e a ressonância dos projetos de
educação ambiental nas comunidades, contribuindo assim para os objetivos locais de
desenvolvimento sustentável. Discute-se a justificação para a adoção do termo "cartografia
cultural", salientando o movimento crítico da ciência geográfica para a produção de mapas e
a sua interpretação da cultura neste contexto. O manuscrito também apresenta e discute
projetos de investigação que utilizam a cartografia cultural como pedagogia ativa e crítica e
explora o seu potencial para a educação ambiental. Finalmente, o mapeamento cultural é
retratado como uma abordagem de investigação interdisciplinar e transcultural que emprega
ferramentas metodológicas críticas para a Educação Ambiental Costeira.
Cartografia Cultural, Educação Ambiental, Zonas Costeiras, Sustentabilidade Local,
Conhecimento Espacial Local.
How to cited this article
Oliveira, Daniel, Teixeira, Zara & Mesquita, Mônica (2024). Cultural Mapping as a Tool for
Environmental Education in Coastal Areas. Janus.net, e-journal of international relations. VOL15
N1, TD1 Dossiêr temático Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental: perspectivas de cooperação
para construir respostas sociais a uma crise socioambiental global”. Setembro de 2024. DOI
Article received on june 30th, 2024 and accepted on july 20th, 2024.
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lufona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 65-80
Cultural Mapping as a Tool for Environmental Education in Coastal Areas
Daniel Oliveira, Zara Teixeira, Mônica Mesquita
This manuscript adopts the idea of Cultural Mapping (CM) to discuss this practice as
having great potential for environmental education in coastal areas. Such coastal areas
have been experiencing uncontrolled urbanization processes that can contribute to
negative transformations. In this sense, CM is introduced as a possibility for
understanding local culture and creating collaborative processes that enable the
development of a community willing to contribute to local sustainability.
CM is a pedagogical tool encompassing place-based environmental education through
exploring and representing the place (Jagger, 2013). With a collaborative and action-
oriented approach, CM contributes to creating a database of local spatial knowledge,
enabling the visualization and analysis of community narratives and establishing
connections between these narratives and other landscape biophysical and cultural
elements. By analyzing community narratives alongside the biophysical and cultural
elements of the landscape, CM enables the identification of patterns, connections, and
interdependencies that may not be obvious in isolated analysis. This can lead to
important insights into local environmental, social, and economic issues and inform the
development of more appropriate and sustainable policies and practices.
Through a comprehensive literature review and following up on the work being developed
in collaboration with local coastal communities by the Ocean Literacy Observatory part
of the Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, ARNET - Aquatic Research Network
Associate Laboratory, Portugal, this essay presents practical cases of CM inquiry that
contribute to environmental education practices in coastal areas.
For this purpose, an analysis of urban evolution on the Portuguese coast is conducted,
presenting a historical context and some challenges for managing these critical and
sensitive coastal territories. Thus, CM is highlighted as a valuable tool for integrating
local knowledge and fostering collaboration among diverse cultural backgrounds. It is
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lufona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 65-80
Cultural Mapping as a Tool for Environmental Education in Coastal Areas
Daniel Oliveira, Zara Teixeira, Mônica Mesquita
suggested that with CM, environmental education projects can achieve greater relevance
and resonance within communities, ultimately contributing to local sustainable
development goals. Afterward, the reason for choosing the term cultural mapping, which
involves a critical movement from geographical science to map production, is discussed,
as well as how the idea of culture is apprehended in this context. Some research projects
that have utilized CM practices as active and critical pedagogies are presented and
discussed, as well as the possible use of these practices for environmental education. As
a final consideration, CM is underscored as interdisciplinary and transcultural research
that employs critical methodological tools for Coastal Environmental Education.
Coastal Areas in Portugal: context and challenges
Over the last decades, there has been a noticeable densification and increase in
geographic complexity along the coastal bands of mainland Portugal, ranging from Braga
to Setúbal and from Lagos to Olhão (Fernandes & Sexias, 2018). Since the 1970s,
economic expansion and urban development along the Portuguese coast have had a
notable surge. Approximately 75% of the Portuguese population resides in coastal
regions, roughly 14% living less than 2 km from the shoreline during high tide (APA,
2017). This figure continues to rise, significantly impacting estuarine and coastal waters
(Taveira-Pinto et al., 2022).
Urban development primarily impacted the southern coastal regions, particularly the
stretch from Portimão to Faro. It exhibited significant intensity around major
metropolitan hubs in the northwest and along the central coast, specifically Porto and
Lisbon (Tonini et al., 2018). Several case studies in coastal areas of Portugal have shown
how these areas have been under pressure and lack the necessary attention for positive
transformations. We can observe that Portimão remains a coastal area under significant
pressure from tourism and urbanization (Deus et al., 2023), while Lagoa de Óbidos and
Martinhal have been paying particular attention to their sedimentation processes
following extreme natural events (Costa et al., 2012). The contact and proximity to the
ocean enable extreme natural phenomena, including those driven by climate change,
which can negatively impact coastal societies. “Extreme events such as abrupt marine
invasions due, for example, to tsunamis, extreme storms, and co-seismic subsidence,
have an undoubtedly important significance for coastal evolution” (Costa et al., 2012, p.
In recent decades, the construction of buildings, promenades, and other structures along
waterfronts has often encroached upon beaches and dunes, altering morphological
conditions. This phenomenon has exacerbated coastal risks, at least in localized areas,
by contributing to changes in the landscape (Taveira-Pinto et al., 2022).
There is difficulty in implementing coastal management guidelines in Portugal due to a
lack of integration among the approximately 100 entities responsible for decisions
regarding the Portuguese coast “(6 ministries, 11 secretaries of state, 27 institutes and
general directors and 51 municipalities)” (Oliveira et al., 2020, p. 34).
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lufona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 65-80
Cultural Mapping as a Tool for Environmental Education in Coastal Areas
Daniel Oliveira, Zara Teixeira, Mônica Mesquita
In Portugal, since the 1990s, the development of Integrated Coastal
Management (ICM) has stimulated a more integrative and participative
approach to coastal management, with the government developing
legislation for coastal zone protection, recovery, management, and
governance. […] Application of the national strategy has taken its first
steps, but clarity and communication are key aspects for the future
ICZM implementation (Oliveira et al., 2020: p. 44).
However, beyond that, there is a lack of knowledge (Oliveira et al., 2020) and a lack of
collaborative involvement with local communities regarding the necessary and desired
intervention plans for a particular territory. Collaborative practices such as CM contribute
to community engagement and involvement of other stakeholders, providing a space for
dialogue and inclusion of multiple forms of knowledge, contributing to a co-creation
process, valuing citizens' local spatial knowledge, and allowing them to be part of the
management of their place, thus contributing to local sustainability.
This discussion is part of a doctoral project in which a CM praxis is applied in Lagoa de
Albufeira, Portugal. This coastal lagoon in the municipality of Sesimbra has special
ecological significance, being a nesting area for birds and a Ramsar site in addition to its
scenic beauty and historical significance. However, it has been experiencing abrupt
changes in its landscape, mainly due to uncontrolled urbanization processes, which bring
not only people with some connection to the place but also citizens from other places
who do not have past ties to the location. Thus, applying CM to the local community aims
to contribute to the perception of local reality, conflicts, and individual and collective
desires. This practice is believed to contribute to a dialogical learning process and even
allow for the creation of affection and responsibility towards the place.
Cultural Mapping: co-construction, community involvement, and place-
based learning in research
Theoretical-methodological practices that contribute to the process of inclusion and
environmental education within local communities, such as CM, represent alternatives
with the potential to contribute to local sustainable development. Simultaneously, it
facilitates reciprocal knowledge exchange wherein older generations impart narratives
from the past, elucidating historical lifestyles and experiences. New inhabitants, including
those from different cultural backgrounds, can absorb these narratives while also
contributing their own stories and rationale for choosing the locality as their residence.
Such interactions serve as educational opportunities for younger individuals, instilling
aspirations for the future. This exchange mechanism nurtures a heightened communal
spirit and a sense of obligation toward advancing local sustainable development.
Additionally, given its collaborative nature, it engenders increased openness and
innovation, fostering the co-creation of agreements, initiatives, and resources aimed at
fortifying efforts for socio-ecological equilibrium within the community.
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lufona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 65-80
Cultural Mapping as a Tool for Environmental Education in Coastal Areas
Daniel Oliveira, Zara Teixeira, Mônica Mesquita
In pursuing scientific progress and sustainable development, it is paramount to recognize
the value of co-construction and community involvement. This entails integrating local
knowledge into the scientific discourse and co-creating knowledge alongside
Indigenous wisdom, traditional practices, and community insights offer invaluable
perspectives that enrich scientific understanding and inform more holistic approaches to
sustainability. By acknowledging and incorporating these diverse knowledge domains,
environmental education projects can transcend conventional boundaries and achieve
greater relevance and resonance within local contexts.
Why Cultural Mapping?
Collaborative mapping approaches in research have been used in an interdisciplinary and
transcultural manner to promote social and environmental justice, allowing for the
sharing of knowledge, experiences, and desires about the place in the form of maps
(Pedregal, 2020).
This research methodology has its roots in a movement of critical cartographies (counter-
mappings) that shed light on the power of maps (Wood, 1993; Wood, 2010) and the
need to rethink for whom the production of these maps serves (Harley, 1990). This
critical cartographic movement stimulated a series of new mapping methodologies that,
although spread across different disciplinary areas, share the same premise of producing
maps collaboratively with local communities and seeking to reveal and valorize local
knowledge that can contribute to the sustainability of the place. Such critical cartographic
methodologies have been titled differently in science, ranging from social mapping (Silva
et al., 2019) or social cartography (Cruz-López et al., 2022) to participatory mapping
(Mere-Roncal et al., 2021) to public participation geographic information system (PPGIS)
or participatory GIS (PGIS) (Monteiro de Carvalho et al., 2021). This essay will use
Cultural Mapping (CM) to encompass all these terms.
A definition that contributed to the decision to use the term "cultural mapping" was
elaborated by the Amazon Conservation Team - ACT Brazil and provides the following
definition for Collaborative Cultural Mapping:
A cultural map is a cartographic tool aimed at demonstrating cultural,
historical, and customary aspects of a traditional territory of one or more
peoples. Cultural mapping can take on various forms, but the defining
aspects are clear: it must be carried out by the community itself,
combined with cartographic rules, so that the final result is precise and
orderly. It is part of a cultural and social diagnosis process that can lead
to strong political instruments and form the seed capable of creating
good policies for the involved communities, such as indigenous
education plans, environmental management, and territorial protection.
The map should not constitute an end goal but rather a tool within a
work of cultural and territorial strengthening of traditional communities.
(ACT Brasil, 2008: p. 7).
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lufona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 65-80
Cultural Mapping as a Tool for Environmental Education in Coastal Areas
Daniel Oliveira, Zara Teixeira, Mônica Mesquita
Although the document will primarily address indigenous communities in the Amazon
region, we understand that this approach can be equally important for other non-
indigenous or native communities and other regions of particular socio-ecological
interest, such as coastal areas in Portugal and worldwide. Coastal areas undergo intense
transformation due to being the frontier and meeting point between oceanic waters and
the terrestrial spaces inhabited by human society. These dynamic zones are subject to
various environmental, social, and economic pressures, including coastal erosion, rising
sea levels, habitat loss, pollution, and urbanization (Crossland et al., 2005).
The term "Cultural Mapping" encapsulates the analytical process of unraveling cultural
nuances interwoven within the local landscape, encompassing a spectrum ranging from
discerning the catalysts behind landscape transformations to unraveling the rich tapestry
of stories and narratives that underpin local cultures. Recognizing the contemporary
epoch as the Anthropocene, or more aptly, the Capitalocene, underscores the profound
imprint of human activity on landscapes and the global ecological equilibrium. Hence,
discussing cultural mapping transcends mere cartographic delineation; it encapsulates a
holistic comprehension of the broader cultural fabric, dissecting a local culture across its
diverse systems and facets. Ultimately, it epitomizes the endeavor to decipher the
intricate cultural landscapes that shape our world.
Culture carries a series of meanings depending on the local context or even the
disciplinary area in which it is used. It has commonly been associated with artistic
expressions and cultural planning - aimed at the valorization of artistic and creative
expressions such as operas, symphonies, and theaters, which has contributed to the
marginalization of other cultural expressions that are usually already marginalized (Dick,
2015) stemming from the very constructive history of the place. Beyond the arts and the
creative sector, culture should be understood broadly, encompassing at least two other
categories: cultivation of the mind and way of life (Williams, 1976). Admitting the
analysis of a local culture under these categories allows for a more complete and complex
view of the place, in which all citizens and local communities become an intrinsic part of
this culture. It is necessary to value citizen narratives and stories and to go beyond just
mapping tangible assets and recognize the importance of intangible cultural resources
(Dick, 2015).
The cultures of each society are developed from their landscapes and, at the same time,
are responsible for the constant alterations in these landscapes. Such planetary
landscapes are, especially in an era of the Anthropocene, cultural landscapes shaped and
reshaped by a web of collaborations between physical resources and human activities
(Sauer, 1925).
Cultural Mapping as a Praxis for Environmental Education
CM can be understood as a praxis of environmental education since it involves citizens
and communities in dialogical learning and individual and collective empowerment. CM is
not just the creation of maps - final products, but the process itself is of immense
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lufona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 65-80
Cultural Mapping as a Tool for Environmental Education in Coastal Areas
Daniel Oliveira, Zara Teixeira, Mônica Mesquita
importance, as it is a space for collaboration among community members. In this sense,
it becomes essential to understand the place, create intra-community bonds, form
identity, map conflicts, discuss dreams and desires, and even create social contracts.
In the context of CM as a tool for environmental education, we understand that the
process of CM itself operates within the spectrum of education for local sustainability.
The idea of mapping in collaboration with local communities can be seen as a process of
Participatory Action Research in which citizens and communities are integral parts of the
investigative process and bring forth questions, discussion topics, and their local
knowledge. Blending scientific knowledge with local knowledge through collaborative
mapping activities allows for exploring and discussing topics important to local culture,
creating an environment of empowerment and inclusion.
CM, through its geographic dimension, serves as a tool for uncovering local spatial
knowledge and illuminating intangible aspects that shape a community and its internal
dynamics (Gibson, 2010). CM can be an important inquiry that allows the identification
of local identities and socio-environmental conflicts experienced by the community by
sharing and recording citizen narratives and valuing local knowledge. In this sense, it
allows for a dialogic learning process of enormous value for environmental education
practices, shedding light on the intrinsic and inseparable relationships between nature
and culture (Silva et al., 2018).
The methods employed in CM encompass a range of techniques such as mind maps,
emotional maps, narrative cartography, visual analysis of media, drawings, and advanced
Geographic Information Systems (GIS). In the following sections, we will introduce
several projects that delved into CM from diverse perspectives, each with unique goals
and methodologies. It is worth noting that these projects not only offer valuable insights
into cultural diversity but also present a significant opportunity in the realm of
environmental education. By integrating cultural elements with socio-ecological insights,
these initiatives enhance our understanding of the interactions between communities and
their natural surroundings. They also foster a broader awareness of the importance of
environmental preservation and sustainability.
The importance of collaborative mapping approaches in environmental
education and policy development
A project conducted by the Environmental Education, Communication, and Arts Research
Group from the Federal University of Mato Grosso demonstrated the potential of
collaborative mapping practices, even in shaping public policies for the state (Sato et al.,
2014). As a methodology for environmental education, this project facilitated the
mapping of vulnerable social groups and the identification of socio-environmental
conflicts that expose these groups to risks, providing valuable insights for managers and
decision-makers dealing with local, territorial planning issues (Sato et al., 2014). This
collaborative approach informs policymakers and decision-makers about socio-
environmental conflicts and vulnerabilities and emphasizes the importance of
participatory approaches in environmental education and policy development. By
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lufona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 65-80
Cultural Mapping as a Tool for Environmental Education in Coastal Areas
Daniel Oliveira, Zara Teixeira, Mônica Mesquita
involving local communities in the mapping process, the project fosters a sense of
ownership and empowerment while ensuring that the perspectives and needs of those
directly affected by environmental issues are considered (Sato et al., 2014). Such an
inclusive approach can lead to more effective and sustainable solutions that address the
root causes of environmental challenges while promoting social equity and resilience.
Moreover, the project's success in influencing public policy underscores the value of
interdisciplinary research and collaboration between academic institutions, governmental
bodies, and local communities in addressing complex environmental issues.
Walkscapes: Collaborative map of the micro-territory
CM can utilize various methods, which will depend on the contexts of each project and
the proponents' areas of training and research. Ortega Nuere e Bayon (2015) present
methods imbued in CM, based on Jane Jacobs and Francesco Careri, such as Walkscapes
- which are global movements where local citizens and other visitors walk together to
map the problems of the city as a community. These movements are rooted in the
principle that the collective, the networked community, has a greater capacity for critical
observation of their local spaces than the individual alone. These Walkscapes create
momentum for dialogical learning - between, for example, researchers and citizens,
about local culture and allow for the creation of a collaborative map for that micro-
territory. Walking collectively as a method of observation and intervention in territories
creates an environment of curiosity, communication, and affectivity, building a greater
sense of belonging and responsibility for common spaces (Ortega Nuere & Bayon, 2015).
Environmental education program for geography teachers, employing
CM practices, including Community Mapping and Photovoice
Through the implementation of an environmental education program for geography
teachers, utilizing CM practices, including Community Mapping and Photovoice, it was
deduced that such collaborative methods actively contribute to the development of
geographical knowledge and understanding of regional environmental conflicts (Cho &
Kim, 2022). Furthermore, this pedagogical tool significantly enhances community
competencies and active citizenship, as participating citizens collaboratively engage in
their communities to effect positive changes in their surroundings (Cho & Kim, 2022).
The photovoice method emerges as an intriguing tool for environmental education.
Equipping citizens with cameras to capture the conflicts and potentialities of their
surroundings, this technique empowers communities as investigators of their everyday
lives, facilitating the visualization of situations through the perspective of those who live
and experience the place (Cho & Kim, 2022; Goodchild, 2007). By documenting everyday
aspects of the environment through photos, videos, and narratives, this method
contributes to the cultivation of critical awareness. It enables the co-creation of a
democratic and inclusive space. Here, marginalized individuals can express their opinions
and knowledge, exerting pressure to ensure proper attention is given to local issues and
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lufona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 65-80
Cultural Mapping as a Tool for Environmental Education in Coastal Areas
Daniel Oliveira, Zara Teixeira, Mônica Mesquita
advocating for territorial interventions to foster a more sustainable community (Cho &
Kim, 2022).
The activity of collecting media, photos, and videos not only holds intrinsic educational
potential but can also be enriched through the inclusion of prompts that encourage the
sharing of narratives among participants. By requesting each participant to describe their
own image or video, commenting on various aspects such as the content depicted in the
media, the reason why the situation was captured, the media's relationship with their
personal lives, and the opportunities that can be drawn from the presented situation, it
is possible to promote deeper reflection and meaningful exchange of experiences (Cho &
Kim, 2022).
This approach fosters individual expression and encourages empathy and interpersonal
understanding, as participants can share their unique perspectives and learn from one
another. Furthermore, by discussing the relationships between the media and their own
lives, participants can develop critical media analysis skills and increase their awareness
of how images and videos influence their perceptions and behaviors.
Simultaneously, the activity can also promote creativity, as participants are challenged
to find opportunities and meanings in everyday situations captured in the media. This
can lead to a greater appreciation of daily experiences and the development of a growth
mindset, where participants learn to extract valuable lessons and insights from their own
lived experiences.
Therefore, by incorporating these elements of reflection and narrative sharing into the
activity of collecting media, photos, and videos, educators can create a rich and engaging
learning experience that not only promotes the personal development of participants but
also strengthens connection and collaboration within the group.
Firsthand sensory exploration of the area and inspiration to students
In addition to facilitating firsthand sensory exploration of the area, CM initiatives can
inspire students to forge personal and emotive bonds with their place and surroundings
and its non-human inhabitants (Jagger, 2013). According to the "knowing nature
framework" proposed by Knapp (2005), CM functions can be seen as an environmental
education tool encompassing at least four significant pedagogical potentials: Observing,
Situated Knowing, Identifying, and Transforming (Knapp, 2005). Observing is directly
linked to questioning processes about the place, observations of seasonal changes,
listening, counting, and measuring environmental characteristics of the proposed study
area. Situated Knowing is related to the stories and narratives about the past and present
of the place, allowing for the reconstruction of local history and contemplation of the
current context. Identifying is connected to perceiving the relationships between
landscape elements, enabling understanding the cycles inherent in the local socio-
ecological system. Transforming relates to the action research character of the CM
methodology, in which participants' actions for positive changes in their local
environment also benefit them physically, intellectually, and emotionally (Knapp, 2005).
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lufona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 65-80
Cultural Mapping as a Tool for Environmental Education in Coastal Areas
Daniel Oliveira, Zara Teixeira, Mônica Mesquita
Local water resource management
CM approaches have also been successful in local water resource management projects,
as with some riverside communities in Chapra, Bangladesh (Hossen, 2016). The
investigative process utilizing collaborative mapping techniques allowed for the inclusion
and empowerment of the community regarding local development and natural resource
conservation (Hossen, 2016).
In environmental education, this example is significant for several reasons. Firstly, it
demonstrates the importance of active participation by local communities in the
management and conservation of the natural resources surrounding them. By involving
residents in identifying and mapping water resources, they become aware of the
importance of these resources and active agents in their preservation (Hossen, 2016).
This example also highlights the effectiveness of collaborative approaches in
environmental education. The use of CM techniques not only provides valuable
information about local natural resources but also promotes hands-on learning and
knowledge exchange among community members. This educational approach is more
engaging and relevant for participants, thereby increasing the impact of environmental
education initiatives.
Engagement and critical stimulation in youth
CM practices can also contribute to reflection processes in urban youth about their
geographical space (Literat, 2013). Collaborative mapping practices are of great value
for engagement and critical stimulation in youth, which would hardly be achieved with
purely textual investigative methods (Literat, 2013). Collaborative mapping practices
offer an effective way to integrate environmental aspects into youth education. By
involving students in creating maps highlighting natural resources, green areas, and
pollution, among other aspects of the local environment, they are encouraged to reflect
on the relationship between their actions, the environment, and the community. This
promotes a deeper environmental awareness and a sense of responsibility towards
environmental preservation. Furthermore, by adopting a practical and visual approach,
collaborative mapping practices can be more engaging and meaningful for youth, thereby
increasing the impact of environmental education.
Cultural Mapping as Participatory Action Research: Learning by doing
CM brings the possibility of learning by doing and can design the investigative process as
participatory action research, as observed in planning practices in Italy. In different
contexts, stakeholders linked to territorial planning have pointed out that using CM allows
for greater knowledge of territories, collaboration between scientific, technical, and local
knowledge, and active leadership development that can promote positive change (Saija
et al., 2017).
CM's collaborative and action-oriented approach plays a fundamental role in creating a
database of local spatial knowledge, enabling the visualization and analysis of community
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lufona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 65-80
Cultural Mapping as a Tool for Environmental Education in Coastal Areas
Daniel Oliveira, Zara Teixeira, Mônica Mesquita
narratives and mapping relationships between these narratives and other landscape
biophysical and cultural elements.
Moreover, visualizing the data collected through CM can facilitate communication and
dialogue among various stakeholders, promoting greater awareness and community
engagement regarding spatial and environmental issues. This can strengthen the
community's capacity to make informed decisions and actively participate in managing
and preserving their local environment.
Final considerations
CM plays a pivotal but often overlooked role in environmental education literature, as it
has been insufficiently theorized and developed. However, recent exploration has
highlighted its significance in facilitating learning, agency, and instigating change within
communities. This essay examines CM as interdisciplinary and transcultural research that
utilizes critical methodological tools for Environmental Education. We argue that CM has
excellent potential to address coastal sustainability issues and contribute to the learning
and critical empowerment of citizens and local communities in promoting equitable, local
sustainable transitions.
Through CM techniques, communities mobilize knowledge about biocultural diversity,
enabling the acquisition of essential information and fostering engagement in meaningful
activities that relate to their cultural landscape (Belay, 2012). This process also serves
as a platform for community members to renegotiate their identities within the broader
community context. Moreover, the utilization of CM has demonstrated its capacity to
catalyze learning and evoke a desire for change among participants. This newfound
knowledge and motivation can be harnessed to adapt to evolving socio-ecological
environments, ultimately contributing to the long-term resilience of social-ecological
systems. Thus, CM emerges as a tool for knowledge dissemination and as a catalyst for
transformative action, offering potential pathways toward sustainable change and
enhanced community resilience (Belay, 2012).
Coastal areas require special attention due to significant anthropogenic pressure. On the
other hand, they tend to be areas of urban expansion due to their scenic value, easy
accessibility, continuity of urban sprawl, opportunities for recreational activities, fishing,
and numerous other reasons that historically make coastal zone areas of great interest
for human occupation and use. Many of these areas represent significant environmental
importance, increasing the number of protected areas along coastal and oceanic zones
as an alternative to the degradation these areas have been experiencing. However,
protected areas may conflict with local communities, who are sometimes unwilling to
accept usage prohibitions in those areas. It is urgent for scientific research to pay more
attention to these areas and the conflicts that have been occurring.
Coastal regions are uniquely rich in cultural, tangible, and intangible heritage,
biodiversity, and intricate socio-ecological dynamics. Anthropogenic influences on the
Portuguese coastal zone have become increasingly significant in recent decades.
JANUS.NET, e-journal of International Relations
e-ISSN: 1647-7251
VOL15 N1, DT1
Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lufona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 65-80
Cultural Mapping as a Tool for Environmental Education in Coastal Areas
Daniel Oliveira, Zara Teixeira, Mônica Mesquita
Moreover, it is anticipated that the spatial and temporal scales of these impacts will
further escalate soon (Taveira-Pinto et al., 2022).
In coastal areas, where human activities and the impact of climate change are acutely
felt, CM offers a transformative approach to environmental education. It enables
communities to explore and articulate their unique connections to the coastal
environment, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility toward its preservation.
CM fosters a sense of place and belonging, reinforcing the cultural identity of coastal
communities intertwined with their natural surroundings. By celebrating cultural diversity
and community perspectives, it promotes inclusivity and equity in environmental
decision-making processes, ensuring that the voices of marginalized communities are
heard and respected.
In conclusion, Cultural Mapping offers valuable tools for Environmental Education and
local sustainable development in coastal areas. Its collaborative, interdisciplinary, and
transcultural approach allows for a broader understanding of communities and local
socio-ecological systems, contributing to creating sustainable and equitable strategies.
Through its place-based learning format and creative methods that explore local spatial
knowledge, Cultural Mapping can make environmental education projects more
compelling, comprehensive, and engaging, helping protect and value coastal landscapes
for present and future generations.
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Título Dossiê temático - Rede Lufona de Educação Ambiental:
perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais
a uma crise socioambiental global
Setembro 2024, pp. 65-80
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Funding details
This work was supported by FCT Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., through the Ph.D.
Grant UI/BD/150953/2021; Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal), through the
strategic projects UIDB/04292/2020 and UIDP/04292/2020 granted to MARE - Marine and
Environmental Sciences Centre and the project LA/P/0069/2020 granted to the Associate
Laboratory ARNET - Aquatic Research Network.